Secrets in the Kitchen
In my Advertising Campaigns course, we were able to work with Secrets in the Kitchen, a local pasta sauce company from Rhode Island. This was my first real experience creating advertisements, copy, and coming up with other creative placements within a team for the local pasta sauce brand. This was a challenging yet fun campaign to work on as the sauce was amazing and it was the first time working with others in a team within an agency-like classroom environment.
our First Steps
Our first step was to meet with the owner, Karen Greene, to listen to the brand’s history, story, and any information that would be helpful to us to decide our route with the campaign. This first hand information helped us build our positioning statement and our brand pyramid to guide us along the creation of this campaign.
Our Problem and positioning Statement
For Secrets in the Kitchen, the brand problem was lack of consumer knowledge of the brand and what it can offer. We crafted a positioning statement to capture our problem and create a plan on how to fix the consumer problem.
To middle class consumers ages 30+ looking for a premium, homemade sauce their whole family will enjoy, Secrets in the Kitchen is the savory, handmade marinara sauce that will remind their consumers of all the fresh ingredients picked right from their hard-working grandpa’s garden, giving a sense of nostalgia - because Karen Greene crafts each small batch using her grandfathers recipe with fresh hand crushed plum tomatoes, bay leaf instead of oregano, elephant garlic and zero sugar, the taste is real and an easy way to make a meal standout/delicious. The sauce is healthier than others because of low sodium, sugar, and no additives.